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Jaden being reborn from the higher plain makes him a lesser divine. And as such he as grown alot stronger then before. Having the ability to Harvest souls of beings he recently killed and store them in his life essence. He more souls he consumes the stronger his power may then grow. The once kind and caring Jaden that protecting the world is gone, Consumed in his lust for souls and to serve the higher beings. He wants to create a perfect world ruled by the higher beings. And by gathering enough souls he will be able to do the impossible and summon them to the mid plain


If this happens they will begin their rule over common beings just like they did thousands of years ago. Becoming gods of the mortal realm. Having the world bow down to them. Jaden is what is know as a soul knight. A servant of the divine beings.


Soul Harvesters use the souls they collect to grow stronger. Their body strength grows. There latent magic ability growing allowing them to use more and more higher class spells with ease.


Also Soul Harvesters have a few added perks, their body is alot more durable, able to take more damage, their bones are actually stronger, same with internal organs, a sword thrust will kill pierce skin and the organs, however it might not penetrate as deep, alternatively bones may not break as easy as a basic human

Another perk is that the skin of a soul harvester, and eyes and other body parts are actually immune to radiation damage, the souls they have taken into their life essence actually form a totally invisible barrier around the being this cannot stop magical energy or solid projectiles, but is does have to odd effect of just saying Nope to radiation levels so theoretically Jaden could walk through an active nuclear zone and be perfectly fine.

The Last Effect of being a Soul Harvester is something known as "Soul Sense" it is like a constant motion tracker in ones mind, when visually pictured in the mind of the user it is like a circle around them, the circle around them is actually about 25 meters in radius, this radar tracks souls, and from it a soul harvester can tell the type of race the soul is and have a rough gauge of the souls power level. It doesn't show much give him a pin point location of a being, it doesn't show elevation or a 3D image of the area around in the mind of the user, its literally just a circle in the mind of the user that is able to tell the distance a soul is relative of them in a 25 meter radius as well a gauge what race the soul is and its level of power.

Do Angels Consume Souls?

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